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Pando · Anhui Pando | go hand in hand with heart melt heart

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Since the establishment of Anhui Pondu in early 2020, all employees have based on a new starting point, fought side by side, and marched forward to a new journey together with the spirit of innovation and the industry's high standard self-requirements。

On August 26, Ms. Chen Xiuhong, chairman of Pondu Group, visited Anhui Pondu and held the meeting day of the chairman and the first symposium of employees。At the meeting, Chen Dong sincerely thanked every family member who has paid hard work in the process of construction, operation and production of Anhui Pangdu. Because of everyone's professionalism and efforts, Anhui Pangdu has a prosperous future。She stressed that employees are the foundation of enterprise development, people-oriented is not a slogan, "gratitude, respect, altruism" into the work and life of employees, listen to needs, solve problems, and effectively enhance employees' sense of belonging and happiness。

In a relaxed communication atmosphere, everyone speaks freely, shares the current situation, reflects the problems encountered in life, and expresses the expectations of the company。Chen Dong answered the questions raised by everyone one by one, and recorded the reasonable suggestions and opinions in the notebook, urging the relevant departments to implement。

Quality assurance Department CAI Ruoying mentioned when sharing their own work: based on the position of work, the maximum play of smart talent and ownership of the sense of responsibility, frequent communication, more fill, around the company's goals, and family development, common progress。

Li Qin of the Planning Department has a lot of understanding of the "color management" and "proximity analysis" methods proposed by Chen Dong, although some more efficient and scientific ways of working have not been considered before, but also reminded her that each position is facing the challenge of knowledge update and technology iteration, and only by learning and making good use of it can we surpass ourselves。

Infinite care, action!The symposium ended successfully, and the benign communication mechanism will become a normal work and continue to be carried out within Pangdu。Pangdu hopes to create a comfortable, interworking and pleasant working environment, take culture as the soul, take quality as the root, continue to deepen the market, determined to strengthen the brand, and work with the family to open up a stable and long-term development road。