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Charging time | Pando "Knowledge Hall" the first session started!

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In order to further improve the organizational combat ability of management cadres, practice the concept of learning and making good use of music, and promote the continuous improvement of management level, Pangdu Environmental Protection organization opens a monthly"Knowing and doing lecture Hall" together to createOrganize all cadres to train and learn, and create an atmosphere for everyone to study hard and learn well。On May 22, the first "Knowledge and Practice Lecture" of Pangdu Environmental Protection officially opened, and this lecture mainly focuses on"Introduction of the construction method of 'fatal List'"The theme was opened and shared by Jia Kai, deputy general manager of Pando Hebei Longda Administration。A total of 177 people from the centers and subsidiaries participated。

Lectures in the form of "online + offline" combination, usingThematic teaching, group research, video teaching, exchange and discussionTeaching in one of four learning styles
Pattern, around
"Annotation of 'Fatal List' construction method", "Introduction of 'fatal List' construction method of benchmarking company", "Example of 'fatal List' implementation"Share from three aspects。

In the class,General Manager Jia introduced in detail the development of the benchmark company adoption system (that is, assigning employees to claim company equipment, projects, etc.),Adopt from the original device,It extends to regional adoption, talent adoption, and management method adoption,By inspiring employees to take ownership,Make the development of employees and the development of the company closely linked,He says,Pangdu Environmental protection should take this as a learning benchmark, train Pangdu employees to become industry leaders, and use more detailed management to serve production indicators and business operations。

Mr. Jia further pointed out that the safety management of manufacturing enterprises is crucial, and the previous safety management was disorderly and unfocused, resulting in the management being unable to concentrate resources on the comprehensive prevention of possible problems。"The introduction of the 'fatal list' construction method, for the important problems of the enterprise to break through one by one, key management, will eliminate hidden dangers, and precise and fine management methods also exercise the overall ability of managers, improve the overall management level of the company.。”


In the lecture hall, everyone listened carefully, thought carefully, and actively interacted with the presenter when they did not understand or did not understand the problem, taking the relevant business problems as the starting point for in-depth discussion and research。At the same time, sharing and interaction allow the classroom learning atmosphere to extend from class to class, and integrate into daily work, to achieve the organic unity of "work learning, study and work"。The participants said that the training was rich in content and vivid in explanation, both theoretical and practical, which benefited everyone。

This lecture has a guiding significance for the improvement of Pondu's safety management. We firmly believe that the implementation of the "critical list" construction method will further empower the environmental protection and efficient team of Pondu, have the courage to act as the force of continuous improvement, and escort the enterprise to cast a safety brand!

Bacon cast the soul to carry the mission, the unity of knowledge and action to educate talents。Knowledge and action lecture hall, from the unity of knowledge and action, hope that every Pangdu people can learn to apply, with success。This edition of the "Knowledge and Action Lecture" has come to a successful conclusion. Let's look forward to sharing the next course together!